
Peer-reviewed articles

Gherman, S., & Philiastides, M. G. (2018). Human VMPFC encodes early signatures of confidence in perceptual decisions. eLife, 7, e38293. [pdf]

Gherman, S., & Philiastides, M. G. (2015). Neural representations of confidence emerge from the process of decision formation during perceptual choices. NeuroImage, 106, 134-143. [pdf]


Book chapter

Philiastides, M. G., Diaz, J. A., and Gherman, S. (2016). Spatiotemporal characteristics and modulators of perceptual decision-making in the human brain. In J-C. Dreher and L. Tremblay, Decision Neuroscience: An Integrative Perspective (pp. 137-145), Academic Press.